Monday, May 6, 2013

Bon Voyage

This is officially my first blog post ever. In order for you to understand why I am blogging I must start where every good story starts, at the beginning. Ever since I was little and I heard my first french word I fell in love. I found this beautiful language full of culture, fashion, and cuisine. I knew that I had to go to this place. As Gertrude Stein once wrote, "America is my country and Paris is my hometown." I not only wanted Paris, I needed it. Noticing my fondness for the french language, my dad said he would take me to France if I took all four years of French. I took all four years of French and instead of my Dad taking me, I'm taking myself. After hearing about my sister's amazing experience with the UVU Italy Art History Study Abroad. I found out that I could live my dream and go to France while still seeing England and Belgium. The new European Art History and Photography study abroad visits all of these places. I will be there from May 8th-June 5th. A few of us from the group will be staying late and going to Italia!!! I promise to update you all(so far my only follower is my sister) on my experiences and the amazing sights and knowledge I learn as I live in these amazing places. As an English Major I can't help but review a few books I read on the way. I can't wait for you to take this journey with me!
With Love,


  1. Yay sister!!!! Have fun, and I will see you in PARIS!

  2. Yay!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Love you nikk!
